University of Nairobi Research Week 2019, October 22-25

October 22, 8:00 pm

University of Nairobi- Main Campus

2nd Annual Victimology and Victim Support Conference 2019


University of Nairobi- Main Campus

University of Nairobi, Kenya in Collaboration with the World Society ofVictimology (WSV) will hold the second two-day Victimology and Victim Support conference during the University of Nairobi Research week 2019.

While contemporary Victimology discourse has focused on harm resulting from criminal activities, victimization resulting from more frequent tragic incidents with a relatively-higher fatality rate, have not received their due share of attention by Victimologists. Incidents such as road/plane/ferry accidents, missing relatives/friends, collapsed buildings, crop failure, job loss, death of a close associate, etc. have adverse effects on individuals and communities. Therefore, there is need for individuals, institutions, researchers and other stakeholders to conceptualize these occurrences and calibrate the lens of evolving Victimological thought in order to create a perspective relevant to African socio-cultural and economic reality

To initiate Victimology discourse that would further the efforts towards attaining Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), more opportunities are necessary for the engagement between academicians, policy makers and practitioners. This two-day conference will provide a platform to explore further the notion of a Victimology of relevance to contemporary Africa. While Day 1 will take the form of plenary presentations, Day 2 will take a more-interactive workshop approach to serve as a Victim Assistance training,capacitybuilding forum and research presentations to enable participants to understand how to develop inexpensive victim assistance interventions in resource-constrained circumstances. Thus, this event will herald Victimology as an uncharted frontier with untapped potential that could influence formation of culturally-viable and sustainable policy and practice towardsmainstreamingvictimsat all levels as erstwhile-neglected stakeholders in criminal justice reform in Kenya.

The Conference will focus is on the theme From Victim to Survivor: Empowerment for Recovery and Resilience.

Conference Objectives

  1. To provide a forum for stakeholders both international and local to deliberate and share information and ideas on Forensic Victimology.
  2. To create an experience exchange forum for academicians, policy makers and victim advocacy practitioners.
  3. To understand Victimology as an multi-disciplinary approach where subjects like law, sociology, criminology, psychology, gender, education and converge to improve the quality of life for those in society experiencing misfortune.
  4. To create a networking platform for partnership formation to tackle issues dealing with Victimology and crime victimization
  5. To show case good practice of in supporting victims and survivors on their journey to recovery and resilience building
  6. To contextualize Kenya Victim Protection Act 2014 within global Victimology discourse.

Sub themes

  1. Policy, research and practice of Post Traumatic Growth
  2. Normalization of Victimization in Incidents and Accidents
  3. Rights of vulnerable victims and the Criminal Justice System
  4. Victim Resilience as an Asset
  5. Family Violence,Sex/Gender motivated crimes, organization violence, hate speech
  6. Sexual Abuse of Power: Education institutions, incest, suicide etc
  7. The notion of ‘Victimhood’ and historical Injustices
  8. Trauma and stigmatization in psychological theory and practice
  9. Immigration/migration victims, online crimes, cybercrime

Call for Papers

The conference also welcomes papers in the field of Victimology, criminology, sociology, Psychology, law and other related feds.

We will accept for abstracts for between 250-400 words.

Full paper submissions under 12,000 words and original, will be submitted as per the guidelines which will be provided after acceptance of abstract.

For any further information contact:

University of Nairobi
School of Open and Distance Learning
Deans office+254 720 209996


Dr. Anne Aseey,

Related resources

Event contact information

Dr. Raphael Nyonje (PhD)
Coordinator, Research, Evaluation and Lifelong Learning Courses or
+254 722 982 964

Director ODeL Campus
P.O. Box 30197 – 00100 Nairobi
Tel: +254 0792,085 552, or or