Student Short Biography
(Max 250 words)
Michael Ngeta developed an interest in Project Management having been involved in the rollout of intergrated tax Management systems in Kenya Revenue Authority and from a background of a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nairobi(Second class Upper) he has undertaken roles in the implementation of Infrastructure projects across Kenya. Michael Ngeta has pursued a Masters in Project Planiing and Management in order to further hone his project handling skills.
Thesis / Project Title
Critical Success Factors Influencing The Implementation Of Electronic Procurement Projects: A Case Of Kenya Revenue Authority.
Thesis / Project Abstract
(Max 250 words)
The purpose of the study was to evaluate critical success factors determining the implementation of electronic (E-) procurement projects. The study focused on four objectives: To examine the influence of Information technology infrastructure, Staff competence, Top management support, and Levels of management involvement in the implementation of E-Procurement projects. The study employed descriptive survey with a target population of 6,900 where Yamane formula was utilized to leaner sample size of 56 respondents. Questionnaires, telephone and the use of email was employed to collect data which was analyzed by descriptive statistical and Inferential model through SPSS. The findings from multiple regression analysis were; implementation of E-procurement projects in Kenya Revenue Authority would be -3.847. ;The increase in the information technology infrastructure leads to 1.317 and with p= 0.000 which was < than 0.05 Staff competence increases at 0.436 growth in implementation of E-procurement projects and was significant since 0.000 < than 0.05. Top management would lead to 0.179 increases in implementation of E-procurement projects in Kenya Revenue Authority in Kenya. The variable was insignificant since 0.176 was more than 0.05. The was a unit increases in level of management involvement would lead to a 0.282 rise in implementation of E-procurement projects. The variable was significant since 0.035 was less than 0.05 All the variables were significant since their p-values were less than 0.05 except top management support. The study concluded that, the independent variables were statistically significant predicting the dependent variable since adjusted R square was 0.606 for which implied 60.6% variations in implementation of E-procurement projects explained by information technology infrastructure(x1), staff competence(X2), top management (X3) and level of management involvement(X4). The study concluded, top management support had a weak influence statistically, that r=0.169. This indicates that X3 had a weak relationship with implementation of E-procurement projects in Kenya Revenue Authority. In addition, R2 was 0.028 which indicate that top management explains 2.8% of the variations in the implementation of E-procurement projects. The results on test of significance also indicate that top management (β=0.300, p=0.214) was insignificant at p<0.05 and 95% confidence level. The study recommended that, there is need to have soft infrastructure in all counties and located in strategic entries in order to boost efficiency on E- procurement. In relation to staff competence, whereas most of Kenya Revenue Authority staff are competent in handling E- procurement tasks, there in need for continuous refresher courses either through Kenya school of Government or KRA training school.. On the other hand, there is need for more motivation and direction at operation level managers indeed who are key to critical success factors for better and future enhancement on E- procurement.
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Research Supervisors
Dr. Johnbosco Kisimbi